March 17, 2014
The Swamps of WrathKedric Webster
Charlie got out of the truck in front of the small concrete block building and went inside. The secretary glanced at his bare feet with distaste; then she asked, "Can I help you?"
"I wish to see Mr. Riles," Charlie replied.
"Just a moment and I'll see if he's busy." The woman went into an adjoining room and returned momentarily. "Would you go in, please," she said, motioning toward the open door.
Kenneth Riles was sitting at his desk when Charlie entered. He looked up and said, "What can I do for you?"
Charlie stood in front of the ...
March 13, 2014
Conservative Theology DefinedKedric Webster
One often hears the term conservative or liberal attached as a label to describe a person's politics, economic views, or social moorings. Many times the labels are adequate as those three features are generally inter-related, meaning that if you lean liberal or conservative in one area, you are generally going to do so in the other areas as well. However, this is not always the case.
In the current cultural climate the terms are often thrown about as blanket descriptions and fail to be helpful labels. A nuanced view of an issue from a ...
February 10, 2014
Theology as a ScienceKedric Webster
The words theology and science are not often mentioned in the same sentence. Generally they are regarded as two separate, unrelated disciplines. But it also depends on how "science" is defined. Could theology be called a science, like geology or astronomy? Many would say "No." B.B. Warfield would say "Yes." More accurately Warfield has in mind Systematic Theology.
In his article "The Idea of Systematic Theology" (The Works of Benjamin B. Warfield: Studies in Theology) he states that Systematic Theology "deals with its material as an ...
January 15, 2014
Micah 6:7-8Kedric Webster
Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams,
with ten thousands of rivers of oil?
Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression,
the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?”
He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
Inspired, Inerrant, Infallible
December 20, 2013
Old Princeton QuotesKedric Webster
We do not...wish to see a criticism which puts all the foundations out of course introduced into our church; we dare not rejoice in the skepticism that already creeps into some minds with regard to the canonical integrity, the authenticity, and the inspiration of the Bible. But we are persuaded that if the Church consents to close her eyes upon the increasing facilities for biblical investigation which are now possessed in Germany, and to turn away from the controversies there waged, she will find herself in a field of battle without armour, ...
December 12, 2013
16th Century history hardly cut and driedKedric Webster
Historians of science and philosophy, and especially if they hold some theory of progress, are naturally interested in seizing those elements of sixteenth-century thought which were later to alter Man's whole picture of reality. Those other elements which were destined to disappear they tend to treat as mere 'survivals' from some earlier and darker age.
The literary historian, on the other hand, is concerned not with those ideas in his period which have since proved fruitful, but with those which seemed important at the time. He must even ...
November 22, 2013
November 22, 1963Kedric Webster
John F. Kennedy: May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963
Aldous Huxley: 26 July 1894 – 22 November 1963
C.S. Lewis: 29 November 1898 – 22 November 1963
November 12, 2013
How WSKZ Chattanooga Aided My SanctificationKedric Webster
I am far behind the times when it comes to my musical tastes. Anything that was popular 20-30 years ago I only discovered in the past 10 years or so. (Man, this REM band is really good. Have you heard this Man on the Moon song?)
There was a time when my listening ear was very limited to what came into it. I always loved the great pieces of what would be called “classical” music, such as Bach, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky. True, it was usually only certain segments from popular symphonies, mediated through Bugs Bunny cartoons, but I was exposed ...
October 30, 2013
Vos on the Sermon on the MountKedric Webster
The sermon [on the Mount] is often represented as a succinct summary of Jesus' message. It passes for an epitome of Christianity, the teststone of what is essential to our religion. All that is not here, we are told, can without detriment be neglected.
Every later type of Christian life and teaching is to be judged, not by the standard of Scripture as a whole, nor even by the authority of the words of Christ as a whole, but by the content of this one discourse. This deplorable error is due to more than one cause. The beauty and glory of ...
October 23, 2013
No Dictation from A.A.Kedric Webster
The idea of a partial or imperfect inspiration is in itself so unreasonable, that he who adopts this opinion will for consistency soon reject the inspiration of the writers altogether. A controversy is sometimes raised respecting the words of Scripture, whether they were all suggested by the Holy Ghost; and if so, how it is that we find every man, writing in his own peculiar style?
Concerning this, we would merely observe, that if the plenary inspiration of the writers be granted, it involves such a superintendence of the Spirit over the ...
October 21, 2013
Systematic ScholarshipKedric Webster
We are accustomed to regard theology as the queen of the sciences, and Systematic Theology as queen among the theological disciplines. But these are not days in which lofty claims are readily allowed; and we need not be surprised to discover that those which Systematic Theology advances are not permitted to pass unchallenged.
It is little that her sister theological disciplines are sometimes found resisting her high pretensions and declaring that they will no longer have her to rule over them: although no more here than elsewhere is the ...
October 09, 2013
A Green ScreamKedric Webster
Make a statement that top soil erosion and drought are causes of concern for the environment. - Check
Make a statement that we should recycle what we can because it is smart and beneficial. - Check
Make a statement that water conservation is key to keeping aquifers full and prevents sinkholes. - Check
Make a statement that climate change is a reality. - Check
Make a statement that there are man-made contributions to the environment that have an effect on the atmospheric climate. - Check
Make a statement that such man-made ...
September 26, 2013
The Tree PrayerKedric Webster
The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein. -- Psalm 24:1
And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. -- Genesis 1:11
September 17, 2013
Join the creedal revolutionKedric Webster
Worship is not defined by its proximity or assimilation to the wider context. Instead, worship from its earliest manifestation in New Testament times has been marked by protest against the wider culture...
This aspect of Christian worship finds expression in various forms. The public reading of God's Word is one. God's Word comes to us from outside, confronts us with God's revelation, and challenges all human attempts to reach him by human effort or to remake him in human image. When the Word is read in the congregation, the claims of the ...
September 16, 2013
Things that make you go Na-humKedric Webster
A God of jealousy and one who takes vengeance is the LORD; one who takes vengeance is the LORD and a master of wrath. One who takes vengeance is the LORD toward his adversaries; and he reserves wrath for his enemies. -- Nahum 1:2
The impact of Nahum's poetic structure is felt immediately as the prophet opens with a picture of God's person as judge. He is a God of jealousy, one who takes vengeance, a master of wrath who reserves (wrath) for his enemies.
Generally jealousy conveys a negative image. The jealous man makes ...
September 04, 2013
Music I Identify WithKedric Webster
I have come to indentify several songs that, for the most part, represent some of my interests and passions. The music will be featured in videos with a description and my reasoning behind playing it.
Although the video is a bit stereotypical of what people think of Africa (the white researcher with the lovely young assistant, some time decades past, doing research work in the middle of the "jungle"), the song itself is pretty cool. Having been to Uganda in 2008 and interacting with people from there, Kenya, and Tanzania, East Africa has ...
August 29, 2013
Where do the prophets get their material?Kedric Webster
The Prophets: the section of Scripture that continues to challenge, as well as baffle, the minds of readers many centuries after their initial writing.
Sure, one can see how the New Testament uses some of the writings of the prophets to demonstrate how their words were fulfilled. But when reading through a prophetic work in its entirety, even knowing this latter fact does not always clear up some of the nitty-gritty details the prophets address.
As a result, whole sections of the prophetic writings are skimmed over or ignored. Many know ...
July 26, 2013
To be or not to be godlikeKedric Webster
Whether and in what way divine actions and attributes are to be imitated by human agents is not a straightforward matter to decide. God being God, he is able to do the kinds of things that are forbidden to his creatures.
For example, the exercise of judgment and the exaction of vengeance are, if not forbidden in the first case, certainly circumscribed, and forbidden in the second. The whole question of the image of God and its fate in Genesis 3 hangs upon a distinction between the ways in which it is and is not right to seek to be like ...
July 23, 2013
Religious public schoolsKedric Webster
In 1926, J. Gresham Machen, professor of New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary, was called to testify before Congress on the proposed Department of Education. Machen had, undoubtedly, drawn attention to himself because of his role of protesting certain changes in the Presbyterian Church (USA), of which he was a member.
But in this case it was his views on government from various letters to the editor and, quite possibly, sections from his book Christianity & Liberalism that drew the attention of members of congress to call him to ...
July 02, 2013
IPad OdysseyKedric Webster
There was plenty to occupy his time, even if he did nothing but sit and read. When he tired of official reports and memoranda and minutes, he would plug his foolscap-sized Newspad into the ship's information circuit and scan the latest reports from Earth. One by one he would conjure up the world's major electronic papers; he knew the codes of the more important ones by heart, and had no need to consult the list on the back of his pad.
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