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Before the face of God
April 22, 2013
Sewn MemorialKedric Webster
From the Pensées, what is called the Memorial, detailing the conversion of Blaise Pascal (1623-62). At his death it was found sewn into his clothing. At all times he carried with him the reminder of his Redeemer.
The year of grace 1654
Monday, 23 November, feast of Saint Clement, Pope and Martyr, and of others in the Martyrology.
Eve of Saint Chrysogonus, Martyr and others.
From about half past ten in the evening until half past midnight.
'God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob,'1 not of philosophers and ...
April 17, 2013
Hebrews on Inspiration and AuthorityKedric Webster
"It is important to observe how distinctive is the manner of introducing Old Testament citations in Hebrews. In the majority of cases God himself is the speaker through the person of the prophet or psalmist (e.g., 1:5, 6-12; 4:3-5; 5:5-6). In four quotations from three passages the words are attributed to Christ (2:12-13; 10:5-7) suggesting that these verses find their true or ultimate meaning in what he says and does. In three quotations from two passages the Holy Spirit is the speaker (3:7-11;10:15-17), though the same passages are also ...
April 16, 2013
The Triangle of TruthKedric Webster
"There are three media or channels through which the truth of God is brought to man and made his possession, that it may affect his life and so make him religious, or that it may be systematized in his thinking and so issue in a theology. These three media or channels of communication may be enumerated briefly as authority, the intellect, and the heart.
They are not so related to one another that any one of them may be depended upon to the exclusion of the others. In any sound religion and in any true religious thinking, that is theology, ...
April 08, 2013
A Gospel of PovertyKedric Webster
"However much observers might attack the prosperity churches--and they rarely lack ammunition to do so--the promise of material blessings does raise provocative questions about more mainstream Christian theologies. Few mainline churches in Europe or North America would dream of promising health and wealth, which they would regard as a vulgarization of the faith.
At the same time, though, they do not pursue their critique to what would seem to the logical course, of offering their congregations an enticing message of 'sickness and ...
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