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Before the face of God
December 30, 2012
Star Trek and GamblingKedric Webster
One thing I've noticed watching Star Trek: The Next Generation is the number of scenes depicting the characters engaged in some sort of gambling, usually Poker. The scenes are very entertaining, with the game being an outlet showing how the characters interact. Chips are won and lost, which seems a bit odd since humanity is a cash-less society by the 24th century. However, my theory is that, while not playing for actual money, they are playing for credits, which can be used in places where tender is still required (see Ferengi).
The first ...
December 10, 2012
C.S. Lewis on divergent views on valuesKedric Webster
In the short work The Aboltion of Man C.S. Lewis speaks of the Tao, an Eastern concept that he uses in a shorthanded fasion ("for brevity" in his words) that encompass other philosophical traditions. It is "the doctrine of objective value, the belief that certain attitutdes are really true, and others really false, to the kind of thing the universe is and the kind of things we are" (18). With this definition in mind, Lewis turns his attention to values:
"The Tao admits development from within. There is a difference between a real moral ...
December 05, 2012
The Motif of Land in the New TestamentKedric Webster
In his book An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach, Dr. Bruce Waltke uses three chapters to speak of the Gift of Land. It is in chapter 20 on the gift of land in the New Testament where Waltke brings his thoughts to a crescendo and he does not pull any punches. There is too much material to go into detail in one blog post, but the following paragraphs from the book should suffice as a condensed version of Watlke's thought process.
“The definition of Hebrew ‘ares, “land” or “earth"–the fourth most ...
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