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Before the face of God
October 30, 2013
Vos on the Sermon on the MountKedric Webster
The sermon [on the Mount] is often represented as a succinct summary of Jesus' message. It passes for an epitome of Christianity, the teststone of what is essential to our religion. All that is not here, we are told, can without detriment be neglected.
Every later type of Christian life and teaching is to be judged, not by the standard of Scripture as a whole, nor even by the authority of the words of Christ as a whole, but by the content of this one discourse. This deplorable error is due to more than one cause. The beauty and glory of ...
October 23, 2013
No Dictation from A.A.Kedric Webster
The idea of a partial or imperfect inspiration is in itself so unreasonable, that he who adopts this opinion will for consistency soon reject the inspiration of the writers altogether. A controversy is sometimes raised respecting the words of Scripture, whether they were all suggested by the Holy Ghost; and if so, how it is that we find every man, writing in his own peculiar style?
Concerning this, we would merely observe, that if the plenary inspiration of the writers be granted, it involves such a superintendence of the Spirit over the ...
October 21, 2013
Systematic ScholarshipKedric Webster
We are accustomed to regard theology as the queen of the sciences, and Systematic Theology as queen among the theological disciplines. But these are not days in which lofty claims are readily allowed; and we need not be surprised to discover that those which Systematic Theology advances are not permitted to pass unchallenged.
It is little that her sister theological disciplines are sometimes found resisting her high pretensions and declaring that they will no longer have her to rule over them: although no more here than elsewhere is the ...
October 09, 2013
A Green ScreamKedric Webster
Make a statement that top soil erosion and drought are causes of concern for the environment. - Check
Make a statement that we should recycle what we can because it is smart and beneficial. - Check
Make a statement that water conservation is key to keeping aquifers full and prevents sinkholes. - Check
Make a statement that climate change is a reality. - Check
Make a statement that there are man-made contributions to the environment that have an effect on the atmospheric climate. - Check
Make a statement that such man-made ...
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