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Before the face of God
January 24, 2013
The Order of ServiceKedric Webster
I attend a moderately-sized PCA church called Covenant Presbyterian (CPC). Yes, a very common name, I know. I've been meaning to describe the order of worship for some time because I've come to appreciate how it is laid out and explains what is happening when the congregation gathers to worship the Lord of Heaven and Earth. What follows is how the service is laid out in the church bulletin, with some explanations.
God calls us to worship
The assembled people of God are called into the presence of the Great King with a call to worship, ...
January 16, 2013
Cave SingingKedric Webster
The following except is from Book VII of the Republic by Plato, better known as the Allegory of the Cave. It is followed by the official video of The Cave by the band Mumford and Sons.
[Socrates] And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: --Behold! human beings living in a underground cave, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the cave; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before ...
January 14, 2013
When your old emails make you laughKedric Webster
This is an unedited e-mail I sent out to friends on September 10, 2007. We had all at one time lived in Orlando, but were now doing different things in different cities. I was updating people about my life and must have had a jolly good time writing the message. I was searching for something in my e-mail archives this morning and came upon it. I should be getting paid as a humor columnist, but I will settle with making friends chuckle as the Roger Nicole of funny people.
Be careful what you wish for.
Things have improved on ...
January 08, 2013
When the slave trade was WilberforcedKedric Webster
I just finished the popular (as opposed to strictly scholarly) biography on William Wilberforce by Eric Metaxas. I would commend the book for its readibility and content, with the occasional witty description of the characters therein. The book is not meant to be very detailed and does not often veer off its subject of Wilberforce to others who played a part in abolishing the slave trade in the British Empire.
In many ways the book reads like a an informal lecture and the prose does tend toward the grandiose. But overall it fits the ...
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