June 07, 2020 As Paul in Colossians 2 discusses human relationships to the principalities and powers, he emphasizes that Christ is the Creator and Lord of even these realities. The Colossians, however, have shown a propensity for regarding these structures and regulations as ends in themselves, idols as it were, rather than as means to facilitate their relationship with Christ. This is the whole point of Paul's discussion of practices regarding food and drink, festivals and worship, (vv. 16-19). They may be the expression of a moral code, a political or philosophical ideology, a national or racial grouping, or something similar. The problem is that what was originally intended to be a means of relating humans to God has instead become an obstacle separating them from God. Paul does not tell us much about the specific forms in which the powers appear. What is clear, however, is that any of the patterns of a society can be used by the forces of evil to influence the thoughts and actions of the members of that society. John Yoder has suggested that these patterns include both intellectual structures (ologies or isms) and moral structures (the tyrant, the market, the school, the courts, race, and nation). To the extent that they control or at least influence humans, they are powers. The term structures is appropriate, for the patterns utilized by the forces of evil form and constitute the very framework within which a person functions. They make their impact before or at a level below conscious influence and choice. Characteristically, the individual is not really conscious of their influence. There may be no awareness that other viable options exist. ...Christ has disarmed the powers; their strength is now neutralized. The claims of these regulations as to what humans must be and do no longer carry any force. For by his death and resurrection Christ has done for each one what is required for us. The law can therefore require nothing more. Much of evil's strength rests upon a bluff as to what human beings must do, and that bluff is now called. Christ has made a public example of the powers. He has revealed their true nature and function. Previously they appeared to be the ultimate realities of the universe, the ruling gods of the world. His victory has made clear that this is a great deception. It is obvious now that the powers are actually in opposition to God's plan and working. Sin's capability to pervert is so great that humans can be convinced that they are doing God's will when in reality their actions are opposing it. The keeping of the law, which was once thought to be the essence of God's will for our lives, is now seen as potentially compromising our trust in God's grace (cf. Gal. 3:1-5). -- Millard Erickson, Christian Theology (2nd ed.), pp. 666-67
The last paragraph by Erickson is telling in our current climate in America, especially with the protests over the death of George Floyd. It seems because of Floyd's criminal past, he actually deserved what he got, getting the life suffocated out of him with a knee to the back of the neck. Those who think Floyd deserved death basically believe that to be in God's will (or to be a good person; be in the good graces of society) is to keep the law. Floyd, apparently did not "keep the law," therefore, he got what he deserved. This is antithetical to the gospel, a gospel that, according to many eyewitnesses to his life, he heeded. He did not have to die. There were other viable options. May Christ continue to disarm the powers that would suggest otherwise.
CommentsDenningApril 13, 2021 1:11 AM
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